Michael K. on Asian Café in Phoenix:
Merriam-Webster defines “Café” as follows: “A usually small and informal establishment serving various refreshments (as coffee).” Can you get coffee here? No. Well, to be honest, I have never asked for coffee, but who would at a Chinese… I mean…Asian restaurant. So this so called “Café” has no coffee. Is that a problem? No.  …
But this begs the question you are all wondering. Is this “Café” at least “Asian?” Merriam-Webster defines “Asian” as follows: “Of, relating to, or characteristic of the continent of Asia or its people.” So do they have Russian food here? No. Do they have Vegemite here? No. Do they even have Korean food or Japanese food? No.
This is truly Chinese food, without question. And it is an outstanding example of Chinese cuisine. Everything is made to order, extremely fresh, and very light and authentic; sort of the anti-Panda Express. And considering this place will make your food just about as quickly, without having to wait in line with a bunch of mouth-breathing yahoos, I would highly recommend a visit to Asian Café, even if the name is completely and utterly misleading.
And besides, the name still makes a lot more sense than Panda Express. I mean, can you eat Panda there? Do they have Pandas working in the kitchen? Do they have a Panda petting zoo in there somewhere? Would you want that where you eat anyway? I hear those things are dirty, ornery, and smelly.
Asian Cafe [Yelp]
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