Sleepy Dog Brewery in Tempe now open 6 days a week, including weekend afternoons

By Jess Harter Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sleepy Dog Brewery Tempe AZSleepy Dog Brewery now is open on Tuesdays. And Sundays. And Saturday afternoons.

The Tempe production brewery’s new hours: 4 p.m.-midnight Tuesday through Friday, 11 a.m.-midnight Saturday, and 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Sunday.

Unlike most Valley breweries, Sleepy Dog, which opened in 2009, offers only a taproom with limited food options, mostly hummus, chips and salsa, and free popcorn.

Food trucks are invited on a rotating basis.

Sleepy Dog’s beers include the aptly named Tail Chaser American IPA, Wet Snout Milk Stout, Red Rover Irish Red Ale, and Dog Pound Pale Ale.

The 21-and-over taproom had been open only Wednesday through Saturday evenings.

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