Kiltlifter places AZ 31st among 50 states?

Four Peaks Brewing Tempe AZArizona ranks just 31st among the 50 states in a Portland alt-weekly’s blind “taste off” of the country’s flagship craft beers.

Willamette Week, which collected what it considered the “flagship” craft beers from all 50 states and put together a tasting panel of experts, has been unveiling its results one beer per day.

Today, WW revealed Kiltlifter, the Scottish-style ale from Four Peaks Brewing, ranked No. 31 (story). The tasters said Kiltlifter was “initially good, then funky” with “sugared dry fruits.”

(FYI: WW arts & culture editor Martin Cizmar is the former music editor at Phoenix New Times.)

President of Beers rankings (so far)

  • #31: Kilt Lifter, Four Peaks Brewing (Arizona)
  • #32: Dortmunder Gold, Great Lakes Brewing (Ohio)
  • #33: Spotted Cow, New Glarus Brewing (Wisconsin)
  • #34: Bell’s Amber, Bell’s Brewery (Michigan)
  • #35: Samuel Adams Boston Lager, Boston Brewing (Massachusetts)
  • #36: Boulevard Pilsner: Boulevard Brewing Company (Missouri)
  • #37: Golden Fraü Honey Wheat: Thunderhead Brewing (Nebraska)
  • #38: Dos Perros, Yazoo Brewing (Tennessee)
  • #39: Summit Extra Pale Ale, Summit Brewing (Minnesota)
  • #40: African Amber, Mac & Jack’s Brewery (Washington)
  • #41: Southern Pecan, Lazy Magnolia (Mississippi)
  • #42: Alaskan Amber, Alaskan Brewing (Alaska)
  • #43: Fat Tire, New Belgium Brewing (Colorado)
  • #44: Gaelic Ale, Highland Brewing (North Carolina)
  • #45: Calico Brown Ale, Tenaya Creek (Nevada)
  • #46: Belgian-Style Tripel, Bridge Brew Works (West Virginia)
  • #47: Shiner Bock, Spoetzel Brewery (Texas)
  • #48: Purple Haze, Abita Brewing (Louisiana)
  • #49: Shipyard Export Ale, Shipyard Brewing (Maine)
  • #50: Yuengling Lager, D. G. Yuengling & Son (Pennsylvania)
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