Thinking of hoarding Twinkies? You might want to reconsider

Hold off on the hoarding. Despite an onslaught of media reports about the demise of Twinkies, the iconic spongecakes almost certainly will continue to be made, including right here in the Valley.

According to numerous reports, Bimbo, the world’s largest bakery corporation, is trying to secure the rights to Twinkies and other Hostess products like Ding Dongs, Ho Ho’s, and Wonder Bread.

Bimbo, a $10 billion Mexico-based conglomerate, made an unsuccessful attempt to buy Hostess in 2007. Now that the latter is bankrupt, the price will be substantially lower.

Bimbo has a huge bakery in Phoenix that already produces, among other things, Sara Lee breads and buns, Entenmann’s cakes, and Thomas’ English muffins.

Bimbo’s biggest rival, Georgia-based Flower Foods, also appears interested in Twinkies. Flower’s Phoenix bakery, Holsum of Arizona, produces Holsum, Nature’s Own, Roman Meal and Aunt Hattie’s breads and buns for the state.

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