The third annual Jewish Christmas party, a holiday hybrid also known as “Jewmas,” will start at 5 p.m. Saturday at the Hungry Monk in Chandler.
Dinner specials:
- Chicken noodle soup
- Latke balls: Traditional potato pancakes rolled into balls and deep-fried, served with chipotle sour cream and apple sauce ($5)
- Brisket sliders: Three beer-braised brisket sliders with caramelized beer onions and horsey sauce ($7)
- Brisket and latke Combo: Two sliders and four latke balls ($8)
- Cinnamon-apple shortcake: Sautéed cinnamon apples with an essence of beer on top of shortcake, served with vanilla ice cream ($6)
Drink specials:
- He’Brew Jewbelation Sweet 16
- Hannukah shot ($3)
- Jewmastini: Pinnacle whipped cream vodka, crème de menthe, and Baileys with crushed Oreo rim
- Apple Pie Tini: Vanilla vodka, BB’s apple pie liquor, and sour with a cinnamon-and-brown-sugar rim.
- 360 Glazed Donut Vodka
- Pennsylvania Dutch egg nog