It’s Craft Beer Thursday! Here are today’s East Valley events

It’s Thursday, which means craft beer events…

The Hungry Monk in Chandler hosts its monthly Beer & Bacon Night from 5-9 p.m. Special menu items include bacon tacos, pork belly sliders, BLTs (pictured), bacon waffles, and bacon cannoli. Get a sampler of six Left Hand beers – Nitro Milk Stout, Stranger, Polestar Pils, Juju Ginger, Sawtooth, and Widdershins – for $8.50.

James Swann’s Beer Class is back! The newly hired Young’s rep will be at World of Beer Tempe at 7 tonight for a tasting of four organic beers – Kermit the Hop, Saison De Wench, Chocolate Stout, and Honey Basil Ale – from Bison Brewing in Berkeley, Calif.

Taste of Tops in Tempe is hosting a Hangar 24 promo starting at 6 p.m. On deck will be the Redlands, Calif., brewery’s Orange Wheat, Chocolate Porter, Vinaceous old ale, and Double IPA.

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