Columnist: ‘Beer is pretty much beer if you ask me’

More quality coverage of craft beer from the Arizona Republic, this time courtesy of columnist Clay Thompson.

From his question-and-answer column posted on AZ Central this morning:

Today’s question: I keep seeing a commercial touting one beer company’s “IPA?” What the heck is an IPA?

Now I get that Thompson’s schtick is trying to be “folksy,” but his response is cringeworthy:

Beats me. I’ve never heard of it, either.

International Philosophic Association? Industrial Pee Analysts? Indiana Petunia Access?

None of the above. It turns out that IPA – or more correctly Ipa, I suppose – stands for India pale ale, a type of suds which, according to beeradvocate.com is, at least in its American form, “a different soul from the reincarnated IPA style. More flavorful than the withering English IPA, color can range from very pale golden to reddish amber. Hops are typically American with a big herbal and/or citric character, bitterness is high as well. Moderate- to medium-bodied with a balancing malt backbone.”

“Withering English IPA?” Whatever. Beer is pretty much beer if you ask me. Withering or reincarnated, it all makes you stupid.

And the Republic wants us to pay how much every month for great information like this?

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