Tempe holds annual Empty Bowls fundraiser to fight hunger today & Saturday

Tempe will host its annual Empty Bowls fundraiser today and Saturday to fight against hunger in the city.

Participants donate $10 for a bowl handcrafted by a ceramics artist or student, and receive a simple meal of soup and bread provided by Whole Foods Market.

The meal represents the caloric intake that must sustain many people around the world for an entire day.

Empty Bowls will be held:

  • 11 a.m.-2 p.m. today at Sixth Street Park (northeast corner of Mill and Sixth)
  • 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday in the courtyard between the Tempe Public Library and Vihel Center (southwest corner of Rural and Southern)

Hand-crafted planter pots, mugs, necklaces, platters, and vases also will be available for purchase.

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