Flancer’s seeking contestants for 15th annual charity pizza-eating contest April 12

The contest is just one of three ways Flancer’s raises money for the Sunshine Acres Home, Jewish Family and Children’s Service (Max Flancer Fund), and WarFighter Sports.

The first is through raffles, tickets for which go on sale today at the restaurant’s Gilbert and Mesa locations. There are six prizes, each valued at more than $1,000.

At 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 9, Cigars & Craft Beers will be held at Fox Cigar Bar in Gilbert. The event will include Flancer’s food, Four Peaks beers, and Perdomo cigars. Tickets are $30.

At 11 a.m. Sunday, April 12, competitors of all ages will see who can eat two large cheese pizzas the fastest. First prize is $250. Entry fee is $25, which includes T-shirt, pizza, and soft drinks.

To RSVP for cigar event or register for pizza contest, call Flancer’s 480-926-9077.

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