Chandler food truck roundup makes its debut tonight at Downtown Ocotillo

Chandler residents have watched the weekly Food Truck Food Court in downtown Gilbert grow in popularity over the past three years and asked, “Why not here?”

A lengthy Facebook discussion in February on the south Chandler Ocotillo Friends group page led to creation of a new Facebook page called Chandler Wants Food Trucks.

And tonight, their efforts pay off.

The first-ever weekly Chandler food truck court will debut in Downtown Ocotillo, a commercial development on Queen Creek between Dobson and Price.

The event will start small with just three trucks.

Chocolate Van Brugge (pictured) and The Treatery (actually a dessert cart) will be set up at 5:30 p.m., with United Steaks of Cheese joining them at 7.

There also will be a fashion truck.

If enough people show up, organizers will add more trucks in future weeks.

The Gilbert food truck court also takes place from 5:30-9-ish tonight with 15 trucks on the southeast corner of Gilbert and Vaughn (across from Oregano’s).

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