Bra-istas Coffee Bar opens in Glendale, more Valley locations planned


MXSW’s West Valley readers often complain all the ‘‘good stuff’’ opens in the East Valley. But now there’s something new just for westsiders.

Bra-istas Coffee Bar, staffed by baristas in ‘‘classy corsets,’’ has opened on the southeast corner of 67th Avenue and Glendale in Glendale.

Besides a full range of hot and cold coffee drinks, smoothies, and protein drinks, the 1,100-square-foot venue also serves paninis, pretzels, and muffins.

Bra-istas is open from 6 a.m.-6 p.m. weekdays, 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday, and closed Sunday.

And there’s some good news for any interested East Valley residents: Bra-istas’ owners reportedly plan to open more Valley locations.

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