Spooky’s Swirls, a horror- and sci-fi-themed, gluten-free bakery with a rotating display of movie props and wardrobes, is coming to the northeast corner of Alma School and Elliot in Chandler.
The bakery is headed by pastry chefs Lola Forbes and Chris Szydlowski, who specialize in no-gluten recipes.
Their offerings will include:
- Sin-A-Buns (cinnamon bun);
- Scream Cakes (cheesecakes);
- Breakfast Sin-A-Sammies (sausage, egg, cheese on a sliced cinnamon bun);
- Custom sugar cookies reflecting the props on exhibit;
- Death Wish Coffee, billed as ‘‘the world’s strongest coffee.’’
Forbes and Szydlowski are partnering with James Azrael, founder of the non-profit Horror & SciFi Prop Preservation Association, and Ernesto Avina, a HSPPA curator and indie filmmaker.
The non-profit HSPPA’s collection features approximately 4,000 items from ‘‘golden age’’ horror, science fiction, fantasy, and superhero films.
Besides ever-changing exhibits of props, Spooky’s customers also will enjoy a library of vintage genre magazines and licensed movie screenings.
Spooky’s grand opening is planned for July 13, but may have a soft opening in June.
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