Day: October 5, 2021

Opening Friday: Someburros at Eastmark in southeast Mesa

Someburros, a local chain of family-run fast-casual Mexican restaurants, will open its 12th location Friday in the Eastmark community near the southwest corner of Signal Butte and Guadalupe in southeast Mesa.

Opening Wednesday: Fat Willy’s Family Sports Grill in Gilbert

Two days after opening its fifth Valley location in Cave Creek, Fat Willy’s Family Sports Grill will launch its sixth location Wednesday in the former Teakwoods Tavern & Grill space on the southeast corner of Gilbert and Williams Field in

Coming soon: Buzzed Bull Creamery at the Scottsdale Waterfront

Buzzed Bull Creamery, a Cincinnati-based chain that infuses alcohol into ice cream using liquid nitrogen, will make its Arizona debut this month in the former Creamistry space at the Scottsdale Waterfront on Marshall Way just north of the canal. The