Introducing the MXSW East Valley Beer Guide

By Jess Harter Monday, July 7, 2014

Post image for Introducing the MXSW East Valley Beer Guide

The craft beer scene has boomed over the past couple of years, and few places more so than in the East Valley. The area now is home to 14 breweries (with more coming) and many of the state’s top craft beer bars.

To help you keep track of the ever-expanding scene, today we’re launching the MXSW East Valley Beer Guide. (For future reference, the link is located on the orange bar at the top of every page.)

The guide has brief descriptions of the 14 breweries and the top craft beer bars in the East Valley. It includes all the basic info – address, phone, website – for each, along with a helpful map link.

Why limit the guide to just the East Valley? Partly because it’s the geographic focus of MXSW, and partly because it has enough places to warrant its own guide.

If it proves useful to readers, we’ll add guides for Phoenix, northern Arizona, and southern Arizona in the future. Let us know what you think!

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